Three countries enter final stage of World Expo 2025 bid process

date | 2018-06-12 Source | BIE Website


  During the 163rd General Assembly of the BIE on 12 June, Member States gave their approval to the recommendations of the Executive Committee, which considered all three Expo projects to be viable and in line with BIE regulations. These recommendations were based on the findings of Enquiry Missions carried out in the three candidate countries in March and April 2018.

  The task of the Enquiry Missions was to assess and validate the feasibility and viability of each Expo project, notably assessing the motivations behind the Expo bid, the attractiveness of the proposed Expo theme, the proposed site and its planned re-use after the Expo, levels of local and national support for the project, expected participation, and the financial feasibility plans.

  “The Enquiry Missions have allowed us to determine the soundness of each World Expo project. We are happy to see the three of them move into the next phase of the bidding process, during which each candidate will promote their Expo vision to win the hearts and minds of the 170 Member States of the BIE”, commented Vicente G. Loscertales, the Secretary General of the BIE.

  Following the approval, Japan, Russia and Azerbaijan will present their respective Expo projects to delegates on the second day of the General Assembly on Wednesday 13 June. The three countries will continue to promote their respective Expo projects until the 164th General Assembly of the BIE in November 2018, when Member States of the BIE will vote to determine the host country of World Expo 2025.